Brighton Fringe

REVIEW: ‘Locusts’ at Lantern Theatre, Brighton

Brian Butler June 16, 2024

Pete has a silver tongue, and he is quietly and warmly welcoming as we take our seats.  The long-standing charismatic pastor greets us to his church – what he calls his “family”. It’s a plausibly pleasant beginning to a sinister tale that will unfold over the next hour.  And beneath that feeling of family, lies […]

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Brighton Fringe

REVIEW: ‘Kitchen Underwear’ by Maria Goikhberg and Kate Stamoulis

Brian Butler June 13, 2024

Zee and Ash are lesbians at opposite ends of the interactive spectrum: the new flatmates share poetry as an interest/job, but where Ash is loud and outrageous, with endless quick-fire one-liners, Zee is introvert, suspicious, hurt and thoughtful. Ash decides unilaterally she will string her undies up in the kitchen as an art installation, and […]

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REVIEW: CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation at Brighton Fringe

June 8, 2024

The talented ensemble delivers a masterclass in comedic improvisation that will leave you laughing long after the mystery is solved. If you’re looking for an evening of high-stakes, low-sanity entertainment, this is the show to see. It’s a crime to miss it!

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Brighton Fringe

REVIEW: Marcel Lucont: Les Enfants Terribles @ Bosco Spiegeltent

June 7, 2024

Lucont’s personification of the sardonic Frenchman, complete with perpetual shrug and world-weary sighs, provides the perfect vehicle for his sharp barbes aimed at modern UK life and parenting. His criticisms are delivered with a charm that makes even the most biting remarks feel like a friendly taquinerie.

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Brighton Fringe

REVIEW: ‘Happily Ever Poofter’ by Rich Watkins

Brian Butler May 30, 2024

Prince Henry is the only gay in a kingdom far far away, and he longs to be in what he calls “the real world,” and find his one true man. But as Rich Watkins brilliantly portrays, Henry has one obstacle after another to overcome in his path to being who he believes he really is. […]

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Brighton Fringe

REVIEW: ‘Spit It Out’ at Rotunda Theatre (Brighton Fringe)

Brian Butler May 28, 2024

Adam – trans actress Willow MacDonald – takes us on their journey to be Emily in Alice K Stephens’ searingly honest coming-out play Spit It Out.  Willow is quiet, unassuming and mesmerisingly honest in their portrayal of the fast-food server who wants to dress as a woman but initially proclaims they are “just a gay […]

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