Transgender News

Trump claims children are undergoing transgender surgery during the school day

Graham Robson September 10, 2024

Despite there being no evidence that a student has ever undergone gender-affirming surgery at a school in the United States, Donald Trump has repeated his claim that children are undergoing transition-related surgery during their school day. “Can you imagine you’re a parent and your son leaves the house and you say, ‘Jimmy, I love you […]

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General News

Study: LGBTQ+ mental health worsened during Trump presidency 

Rachel Badham September 30, 2021

A study has found the amount of LGBTQ+ people in the US experiencing “extreme mental distress” increased during Donald Trump’s presidency.

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General News

Biden lifts Trump military ban

Rachel Badham January 26, 2021

US president, Joe Biden, has signed an executive order lifting the regulations created under the Trump administration which barred trans people from joining the country’s military.

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General News

Biden repeals Trump diversity training regulations

Rachel Badham January 25, 2021

US president, Joe Biden, has reversed regulations on diversity training which were created by the Trump administration to ban federal agencies from conducting workshops which explore systematic discrimination.

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General News

Biden to restore trans bathroom protections

Rachel Badham January 22, 2021

Newly elected US president, Joe Biden, has vowed to restore bathroom protections for the country’s trans community, which were enforced under Obama’s presidency but later scrapped by Donald Trump.

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General News

Athletes hopeful Biden will reverse anti-trans regulations

Rachel Badham January 18, 2021

American trans athletes are hopeful Joe Biden will begin to challenge the increasing number of regulations which prevent trans people from participating in sporting categories which align with their gender identity.

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General News

Trump admin axes non-discrimination policies

Rachel Badham January 16, 2021

The US Department of Health and Human Services has finalised regulations which would allow government funded social-service providers to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people.

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