
Sab Samuel, known as drag queen Aida H Dee, suffers broken jaw after being attacked in Cardiff

May 22, 2024

Police are “examing CCTV” after Sab Samuel, also known as drag queen Aida H Dee, had their jaw broken after holding hands with their fiancée in Cardiff. Sab, who was celebrating their engagement when they were attacked in the city during the early hours of Sunday, May 19 said: “It’s not fair – I just […]

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International News

Third lesbian woman dies after man throws Molotov cocktail at their home in Buenos Aires

Graham Robson May 13, 2024

A third lesbian woman has died after a man threw a Molotov cocktail at the home of two lesbian couples in Buenos Aires, according to Argentina‘s LGBT+ Federation. The perpetrator has since been arrested and has been hospitalised. The attack, widely seen as a hate crime, shocked many in a nation that considers itself to […]

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Transgender News

Trans woman suffers “brutal attack” in Coventry

Catherine Muxworthy April 12, 2024

West Midlands Police has launched an investigation after Jessica Olive, a trans woman, was assaulted on a bus in Pool Meadow, Coventry on Sunday, April 7, around 8pm. Jessica “was sitting on the top deck of the No6 bus when she was approached by two teenagers who repeatedly punched her in the face and stole […]

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International News

Hate on the streets of Miami as lesbians and trans women attacked in the street

Graham Robson December 17, 2023

Police are investigating a possible hate crime after at least two LGBTQ+ women, including a lesbian and trans woman, were beaten by a group of men in Miami, Florida. A video of the incident, which took place in Miami’s Wynwood neighbourhood, shows multiple men attacking the group. The victims can be heard pleading with their […]

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Six men arrested after suspected homophobic hate crime in which a gay man was attacked with a plank of wood

Graham Robson November 23, 2023

Six men aged between 16 and 22 have been arrested after a suspected homophobic hate crime attack last month, in which a gay man was hit with a plank of wood. Callum Griggs, 23, was attacked by the gang while he was walking with his partner, Brad Balueta, who said the gang were standing outside a […]

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International News

Attack on LGBTQ+ bar in Lebanon an “ominous sign”, says Amnesty International

Graham Robson August 25, 2023

Videos of the attack on the Madame Om bar by people identifying themselves as members of the Jnoud El-Rab Christian group show the assailants destroying furniture outside the bar, beating up people who tried to leave the premises, and threatening the owner with more violence if they continued to “promote homosexuality”.

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Community News

Repeat attacks on Gay Village store in Manchester triggers £2,000 reward and appeal by charity Crimestoppers

Graham Robson July 13, 2023

Clonezone, on Sackville Street, has been targeted four times over recent months. In the latest attack on Monday, May 22, masked men on a motorbike smashed the glass door before speeding off in the direction of Bloom Street.

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