
Sab Samuel, known as drag queen Aida H Dee, suffers broken jaw after being attacked in Cardiff

May 22, 2024

Police are “examing CCTV” after Sab Samuel, also known as drag queen Aida H Dee, had their jaw broken after holding hands with their fiancée in Cardiff. Sab, who was celebrating their engagement when they were attacked in the city during the early hours of Sunday, May 19 said: “It’s not fair – I just […]

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South Wales police receive backlash after officers given LGBTQ+ epaulettes

Rachel Badham November 23, 2020

The LGBTQ+ staff network for the South Wales police force has created LGBTQ+ epaulettes – decorated with either the trans, bisexual or rainbow flag – in honour of Trans Awareness Week, but recieved backlash on social media.

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