
OPINION: Amnesty International responds to government’s “dangerous” ban on teaching sex education to children under the age of nine

May 17, 2024

The UK government has announced that Relationships, Sex and Health Education curriculum will not be taught to children until the age of nine, a move which Amnesty International has called “dangerous”. The government’s new guidance proposes that children should not be taught sex education under the age of nine and even after this it should […]

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International News

Huthi authorities sentence seven to stoning and two to crucifixion for homosexual ‘crimes’

Graham Robson February 9, 2024

Huthi authorities in Yemen must halt planned executions and end the persecution of people based on their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, said Amnesty International, after two Huthi-run courts sentenced more than 40 people either to death, flogging or prison over charges related to same-sex conduct. On 23 January, a criminal court […]

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International News

LGBTI people across Africa facing a “catastrophic rollback on their fundamental rights”, says Amnesty International

Graham Robson January 12, 2024

LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people across Africa are facing “a catastrophic rollback on their fundamental rights following the introduction of discriminatory legislation in several countries”, Amnesty International has said. In a new briefing looking at 12 African countries, Amnesty has documented a “staggering rise” in legislation being used to systematically target and […]

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International News

Amnesty condemns Russia’s Supreme Court’s ‘extremist’ label for LGBTQ+ groups, effectively outlawing the LGBTQ+ movement

Graham Robson December 1, 2023

In response to yesterdays’ ruling by Russia’s Supreme Court which designates the “international public LGBT movement” extremist and effectively outlaws any public activity related to LGBTQ+ issues, Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Eastern Europe and Central Asia Director, said: “This shameful and absurd decision represents a new front in the Russian authorities’ campaign against the LGBTQ+ […]

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International News

Attack on LGBTQ+ bar in Lebanon an “ominous sign”, says Amnesty International

Graham Robson August 25, 2023

Videos of the attack on the Madame Om bar by people identifying themselves as members of the Jnoud El-Rab Christian group show the assailants destroying furniture outside the bar, beating up people who tried to leave the premises, and threatening the owner with more violence if they continued to “promote homosexuality”.

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International News

New report from Amnesty International and National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission finds LGBTQ+ refugees in Kenya at high-risk of rape and violence in refugee camp

Graham Robson May 19, 2023

The 54-page report, Kenya: “Just Like Any Other Person”, details the extreme discrimination and violence suffered by LGBTQ+ residents in Kakuma – both as a result of their status as asylum seekers or refugees and their sexual orientation, gender identity

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