
Glasgow’s LGBT young people perform with ‘Feeling’

Besi Besemar February 10, 2015

The Wellcome Trust and the Roundhouse present Sounds of Sexology, the final showcase of a nationwide Sexology Songwriting project, on Tuesday, February 17, 2015.
Young people from Glasgow, London, Manchester, Brighton and Havant are to perform songs with Dan Gillespie Sells, the lead singer from pop band The Feeling, as part of a Wellcome Trust project exploring issues related to relationships, sexual health, sexual attitudes and stigmas.

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PREVIEW: ‘The Institute of Sexology’

Besi Besemar November 18, 2014

The Wellcome Trust is launching ‘The Institute of Sexology’ (November 2014 to September 2015), the first UK exhibition to bring together the pioneers of the study of sex.Young people from around the country have begun work on a Sexology Songwriting project that will see them exploring the study of sex through music and lyrics.

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