
Why Pride Matters to Graham Munday and the Brighton Bear Weekenders

Besi Besemar April 27, 2014

Graham Munday explains why Pride Matters to him and Brighton Bear Weekend.

Graham Munday

I missed the first Pride in 1973 but went to the second in 1991 and every single one since. In those early days it feel like a protest; placards were waved, Outrage t-shirts were everywhere and speeches were political. We have come along way since then with new laws to protect our rights and this year the choice to get married (although not in a church!). Yet more still has to be done. We still have people attacked in the street for they sexuality, homophobic abuse shouted in the Amex stadium and in the school playground and teenagers who can’t face life being different. We need to protest for their rights and continue the fight for true equality – where everyone is treated the same, no matter the difference of their sexuality (or the colour of their skin, gender or faith).

It also is a celebration. Since 1991 so much has changed for the better and we should enjoy our freedoms and celebrate our difference. It is the one time of the year we can feel like a majority rather than a minority. We can be what we want to be.