
Hove MP raises parking profit concerns with City Council

Graham Robson August 26, 2013

Mike Weatherley, MP
Mike Weatherley, MP

Following a High Court ruling, Mike Weatherley, the Conservative MP for Hove and Portslade, has written to Brighton & Hove City Council to highlight residents’ concerns about the council’s position on using high parking fees as a stealth tax.

Mike has written to Penny Thompson, Chief Executive of Brighton & Hove City Council, to convey concerns that profit is being put at the top of the agenda when council employees are deciding on whether or not to introduce controlled parking.

Mike’s letter follows the recent landmark High Court ruling that struck down High Barnet’s charging structure for resident permits. The ruling stated that it was contrary to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and has implications across the country. Motorists welcomed the ruling, hoping that it would stop local authorities from arbitrarily targeting drivers for extra funding.

Mike said:

“Quite understandably residents are concerned that controlled parking may be introduced into their area simply because council employees see their roads as paved with gold.

“I have written to the Chief Executive Brighton & Hove City Council for clarification on the matter, but if this turns out to be the case then it is totally unacceptable.”

In his letter to Penny Thompson, Mike said:

“Following the recent High Court ruling against Barnet Council, I understand that there are significant implications for local authorities that make profit from parking schemes.

“Quite understandably, I have been contacted by a number of residents who have raised with me their concerns over the decisions that are being made when introducing new parking restrictions. I should be extremely grateful to know how much consideration is being given to profit that would be generated for the council when deciding whether or not to rollout restrictions into a new area.”