Residents and businesses in Hove are being asked to give their views on what kind of parking scheme they would like to see in the Wish Park area.
The council is consulting on two options:
• A new full parking scheme
• Or an extension to the existing ‘light touch’ scheme where controls are in force (see Area W).
Consultation runs until August 29 and there is a staffed exhibition at the Wish Park Pavilion on August 6, 3.30-8.15pm.
Hove residents and businesses also being asked whether to include Bolsover Road in the Area R parking zone which covers the Church Road, Portland Road and Poet’s Corner area and operates between 9am and 8pm.
The proposal includes widening the road to accommodate parking on both sides and introducing a one way system running from North to South.
There is an unstaffed exhibition in Hove Customer Service Centre for both sets of proposals. To give you views online, CLICK HERE:
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