The inaugural Brighton Big Balls fun endurance race takes place on the beaches of Brighton & Hove at 9am on Sunday, May 12, 2013 to raise awareness of testicular, penile and prostate cancers. All sponsorship raised by the race will go towards research into these potentially devastating diseases.
Brighton Big Balls is an easy 3 kilometre course along Brighton and Hove’s pebble beach and over the stone groynes from the Meeting House Café by Hove Lawns to Hove Lagoon. To make it that bit harder, spunky competitors will carry two large red 14 inch bouncing balls made out of light-weight rubber.
Race organisers were delighted when among the first to sign up for the race was local celebrity, Norman Cook aka Fatboy Slim, followed by local radio Juice FM presenters Jonno and Guy Lloyd. Players from Brighton & Hove Albion have also pledged their support as has Sussex County Cricket club, the Sussex Sharks.
There is a competitive nature to this worthy event; numbers on the competitors’ balls match their race number and to finish the event competitors must have both their own balls in hand. Imagine up to 800 balls spread over the beach and 400 runners each searching for their particular balls. And this is before they’ve even begun!
There will also be a few below-the-belt surprises; Ninja-beach is the base for a crack team armed with long poles and boxing gloves mounted on the end to knock competitors’ balls from their firm grasp. There is also an oil hand dip to encourage slippery balls.
Gerard Maye Legal will host a water-balloon alley Big-Balloon-Blitz for competitors to run through where members of the public can donate in return for a water-balloons to throw for charity.
You can expect a lot of laughs from a race with a serious issue at its heart.
Women can show their support by running alongside the proud men-folk and displaying their very own Big Balls in a lady-like manner. There is even a special prize for the woman with the best moustache (real ones will not be counted). There are up to 400 spaces available in total and anyone over the age of 14 can take part.
Entry fee is £25
The race winner receives an impressive golden balls trophy and everyone taking part will receive some balls on a ribbon – otherwise known as a medal!
Brighton Big Balls is proudly sponsored by The Montefiore Hospital, Brighton Racecourse, Gerard Maye Legal Ltd, body conditioning experts Bodi-fit and Chas Berger
Further information and entry forms, CLICK HERE:

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