
Cameron to review Weatherley’s ‘Follow the Money’ Report

Sarah Green June 25, 2014

The Prime Minister, David Cameron MP is to review Mike Weatherley’s new report on tackling advertising on websites that host illegal material.

Prime Minister, David Cameron MP
Prime Minister, David Cameron MP

Mike, the Conservative MP for Hove & Portslade is Intellectual Property Advisor to the Prime Minister. Today (Wednesday June 25) he published a report entitled Follow the Money which addresses the detrimental impact of illegal websites profiting from advertising. Mike is keen to cut off funding that is fuelling pirate websites that profit in this way.

Follow the Money analyses the issue and makes a number of recommendations.

Key recommendations include:

• Increasing funding for the national Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU)

• Exploring the utility of advertising monitor software to ensure compliance of advertising codes

• Requesting that PIPCU and the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) consider what additional legislation is necessary to require pre-emptive action by advertisers and payment providers.

To read the report in full, CLICK HERE:

David Cameron, said: “Mike Weatherley’s ‘Follow the Money’ discussion paper is an interesting addition to this important area of work and the Government will look at it closely. It is encouraging that creative industries are building a stronger relationship with our enforcement bodies, such as the new national Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit that the Government has established. Intellectual Property is an important property right that contributes enormously to our economy.”


Mike Weatherley, MPMike added: “I am delighted that the Prime Minister has promised that the Government will look at this issue closely. The Prime Minister is absolutely right that Intellectual Property is an important property right that contributes enormously to our economy, which is why we must take steps to protect our creative industries.”