Funny Women finalist Jane Postlethwaite returns to Brighton during the Fringe with her sell-out debut comedy show.

Last year mutli-award finalist Cumbrian comedy actress and writer Jane Postlethwaite brought her debut solo character comedy show Made in Cumbria to the Brighton Fringe. The show was a sell-out success, playing to standing-room only audiences
Jane and her comedy characters, became a finalist in both the Funny Women Awards and the Brighton Comedy Festival Squawker Awards 2015.
After further development, Jane returns to the Brighton Fringe this year with a more finely tuned show, introducing another unique character. She will be doing four dates in the Brighton Fringe with the award nominated Lamb Comedy Productions.
Following Brighton Fringe, Jane will be taking her debut show to the Edinburgh Festival with Sweet Venues from August, 5-28, 2016, where she is hotly tipped as the next big character comedy star.
Enter the unique world of Jane’s dark comedy characters – five women who are inspired by her roots in The Lakes. Meet Kirsty Bird a nervous and lonely falconry expert, Karroll Karabiner Kavannagh – Cumbria’s number one survival expert, Stella Nova – the first northern female astronaut, Joy Hope,the darkly twisted children’s author and illustrator and the gentle Mary Façade who runs the Northern School of Mask.
Part of Jane’s motivation for creating her own characters came from being “fed up with watching Southern comedians using a Northern accent for a cheap laugh and representing Northerners as thick and stupid”. She aims to create more original and complex characters with depth, darkness and wit.
Event: Jane Postlethwaite – Made in Cumbria
Where: Lamb Comedy Productions at Nowhere Man, 53 Upper North St, Brighton, BN1 3FH
When: Friday, May 13 / Saturday May 14 @ 8.30pm: Friday, May 27 / Saturday, May 28 @ 8.30pm
Cost: £7.50/£6 Conc
To book tickets online, click here:
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