
Living Well as an older LGBT person in Brighton and Hove

Besi Besemar March 4, 2014

MindOut the LGBT mental health project starts new course for older people.

MindOut LGBT Mental Health Project

MindOut’s wellbeing project MindOut for Each Other is developing short courses looking at how we can live well as LGBT people. The first of the series will be Living Well as an Older LGBT Person, starting in March.

The course consists of 2 workshops of 2½ hours long.

They will be exploring:

· Ways to look after our mental and physical wellbeing as we get older

· Managing the changes we experience as older LGB&T people

· Thinking about what difference age makes to us

· What we want from our communities

· How we can mind out for each other

The course will be facilitated by out LGBT trainers and will be run at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, Dorset Gardens, Brighton, BN2 1RL.

Course dates are Fridays, March 28, from 10.30am-13.00pm and Friday, April 4, from 14.00pm-16.30pm.

Anyone over 50 is welcome.

For further details and to register on the course contact MindOut on 01273 234839 or email: