
Hove MP gets jab in Parliament

Besi Besemar October 27, 2013

WEB.300Mike Weatherley, the Conservative MP for Hove and Portslade, has received his annual flu jab in Parliament and  is urging at-risk groups to get vaccinated against the flu virus as soon as possible.

The Department of Health provides free seasonal flu vaccinations for at-risk groups, which include those aged 65 or over; people with chronic respiratory, heart, renal, liver and neurological diseases; diabetes sufferers;  and those with low immune systems. People living in long-stay facilities, such as nursing and residential homes, as well as carers of elderly or disabled people, are also entitled to a flu vaccination.

Mike said:

“Getting a seasonal flu jab is really important in order to protect individuals and help to relieve strain on the NHS over the winter period. I would encourage all those that are over the age of 65 or are in one of the at-risk groups to visit their surgeries and get vaccinated – the sooner the better.”