Mental Health

Sussex Partnership launches Community Mental Health Survey

Graham Robson August 14, 2023

Sussex Partnership launched a survey on people’s experiences of using community mental health services on Friday, August 18. If you used services in April or May 2023, you could be invited to take part and give your feedback on the quality of support you received.

In last year’s survey, Sussex Partnership received 224 responses from adults aged 18 and over, who used the survey to tell the specialist NHS organisation what is working well and what requires improvement.

Since then, Sussex Partnership has been working to improve the information available to support people who are experiencing a mental health crisis so that people know where to get help. Sussex Partnership is also working towards bringing local community mental health services closer together to make them more accessible and easier to navigate by creating local hubs to help ensure people get support that’s right for them as soon as possible.

Dr Jane Padmore, Chief Executive at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Receiving feedback from patients and taking account of their views is really important to us. It helps us learn about people’s experience of our care, highlight what we are doing well, and where we need to make changes to ensure quality of care.

“I would like to encourage anyone who is asked to take part in the Community Mental Health Survey to be open and honest and tell us about their experience of our services so we can promote examples of good practice, keep doing the things that we’re doing well, and make improvements where we need to.”

This year, for the first time, the survey will be inviting people aged 16 and over to share their experiences of care. According to Sussex Partnership, this is “really important to help us understand how well young people’s care is transitioned as they move into adult services”.

The results will be published in the spring of 2024 and will be used to assess Community Mental Health Trusts in England.

For more information about the survey, which closes on 7 December 2023, CLICK HERE