
Lib Dem candidate claims free Sunday parking report is biased

Besi Besemar June 6, 2014

Brighton & Hove City Council’s report on free Sunday parking has been slammed by local Liberal Democrat, Jeremy Gale, as “inept, biased and covered with the Green Party’s fingerprints.”

Jeremy Gale
Jeremy Gale, LIB DEM candidate for Central Hove

Following the presentation of a petition, signed by 1,282 people, calling for the introduction of free Sunday parking across the city, the Council were asked to draft a report costing the implementation of both full and partial introduction of free Sunday parking.

The report, however, has been criticised by Jeremy Gale as biased, and overlooks the positive impact free Sunday parking would have on the city.

Jeremy Gale, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Central Hove, said: “The Officers were asked to produce a fair, balanced and impartial report costing the full and partial implementation of free Sunday parking. This has not happened. The report is inept, biased and covered with the Green Party’s fingerprints.

“The report has failed to highlight the money that would be saved by not employing parking enforcement officers on Sunday – a figure which we believe costs the council hundreds of thousands of pounds a year.

“Surprisingly, the report states the proposal would have a negative impact on our economy. The proposal would have positive ramifications on our local economy, with an increase in visitors to the city who, through free Sunday parking, would have more money to spend in the shops and with the retailers across the city.

“The Committee are due to make their decision on the proposal on Thursday, but I can’t see how they can make an informed, balanced and well-judged decision with the report that is available to them.”