
Free parking for some this Christmas

Besi Besemar October 30, 2013

Conservative and Labour councillors have voted to allow free parking in some city centre car parks during the run up to Christmas in an effort to boost business.

Andy Cheesman is from the newly formed lobby group Unchain the Brighton Motorist, which includes the Federation of Small business, the Tourism Alliance, GMB union, Unite and many trader groups and individuals across the city.

He said:

“I was disappointed to see that the Greens in the final vote, voted against Small Business Saturday.” 

The Green administration estimate the cost to the taxpayer will be between £200,000 – £300,000 a figure dismissed by both Conservative and Labour councillors.

The Conservatives say free parking will help boost trade for local businesses who are currently suffering from the dramatic increase in parking charges brought in by the current Green Administration and they put forward a proposal, calling for free parking at the Norton Road, London Road, Regency Square, High Street and Trafalgar Street car parks on December 7,8,15 and 22.

SImon Kirby, MP
SImon Kirby, MP

Simon Kirby, MP for Portslade and Peacehaven has spearheaded a long-running campaign against the Council’s rise in parking charges, raising the issue in Parliament and many times directly with the Chief Executive of Brighton and Hove City Council.

Simon welcomed the news, saying:

“I welcome the free parking which will aid local businesses in the area during one of their most important shopping periods.

“Local business have been hit hard by the hike in parking charges that the Council have brought in and it is important that we support them in the run up to Christmas.”

Cllr Graham Cox
Cllr Graham Cox

Conservative councillor Graham Cox, said:

“This is not pro or anti motorist but about the city’s reputation, a reputation which has been gained by the massive hike in parking prices which means Brighton and Hove is seen as a place where the motorist gets ripped off.