
Two young gay film makers need support

Graham Robson July 7, 2016

Two award-winning gay filmmakers, Neil Ely and Lloyd Eyre-Morgan, are looking for support to develop their short horror flick, Kill Pill, into a feature-length film.

Pip Anderson
Pip Anderson

Starring hunky Star Wars actor Pip Anderson as a raging cannibal, Kill Pill is set against the backdrop of MADchester in 1990 when a group of teenagers must survive the night after a deadly experimental ecstasy tablet turns their mates into raging cannibals at a house party.

Kill Pill is to be made on a £30,500 budget, produced to cinema standard quality and the team are hopeful that it will tour horror film festivals worldwide.

The film is already slotted to have its World Premiere screening as part of this year’s Iris Prize Festival taking place in Cardiff this October.

To get involved, CLICK HERE: