The Arun Gay Society will be holding their annual party on Saturday, February 22 from 7.30pm at the 03 Club in Littlehampton.
Door open at 7.30pm and the bar serves drinks till midnight.
The theme for the party is Hats (optional) and there will be a prize for the person wearing the most fabulous hat on the evening.
Tickets cost just £5 for members/£8 for guests and include a buffet and the disco. There will also be a charity raffle on the night.
Tickets are available now by calling the social secretary on 07539 513 171 or EMAIL:
What: TAGS Annual Party
Where: 03 Club, 90-91 South Terrace, Littlehampton, BN17 5LJ
When: Saturday, February 22 from 7.30pm
Cost: Tickets £5 members, £8 guests: To book: EMAIL:
The Arun Gay Society (TAGS) was created in 1982 out of the local branch of CHE (Campaign for Homosexual Equality). TAGS operates primarily as a social group for the LGBT community in the southern part of West Sussex, but some members come from much further afield.
They welcome men and women of all ages who can subscribe to the groups aims by paying a modest annual membership fee.
The group meets informally, usually twice each month, once in a seafront hotel bar in Worthing and other times at a member’s home for a coffee evening or specially laid-on party.
In addition, they run excursions to places of interest and organise larger events such as the Annual Party in February.
The Society’s day-to-day management falls to a committee which is elected annually at the Annual General Meeting in October. There is also a formal Constitution that governs the technicalities of the Society.
A newsletter called TAGSmag is published regularly for members.
More information is available on their regularly updated website, to view: CLICK HERE:
Or telephone: 07539 513 171 where you can leave a message or text asking to be called back.
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