The number 77 bus to Devil’s Dyke moves up a gear from June 22 when it will be transformed into a seven days a week open top bus service, with additional evening buses, right through to September 1
Leave your car at home and relax in your grandstand seat while the bus breezes you through Brighton & Hove and out to the Downs. Buses return from Devil’s Dyke right up to 8.30pm, you can even pop up for a summer evening stroll.
Two open-top buses per hour will work the Devil’s Dyke route. Each of them is low-floor and accessible to people travelling in wheelchairs or pushing buggies.
Up to two children per adult go free on the 77 bus.
An adult return to Devil’s Dyke is £5.00, or buy an Explorer ticket for unlimited bus travel. Senior citizens’ bus passes are accepted too.
Explorer tickets allow unlimited travel on virtually all bus services, including the weekend 78 bus to the heart of Stanmer Park and the weekend 79 bus to Ditchling Beacon. One day versions of the Explorer can be bought from Brighton & Hove’s bus drivers for £7. Two people can save with a Family Explorer for £10 which includes up to three children.
Each Breeze bus service offers the chance for motorists to reduce their carbon footprint and help reduce traffic congestion at popular local attractions like Stanmer Park. The services also open up hard-to-reach areas of the Downs for the many city residents who don’t have access to a car.
To help you enjoy your journey even more, there’s now a podcast showing all the things you can see from the top of the 77. Printed route guides are also available on the bus.
Leaflets with information on each of the three Breeze bus routes (77, 78, 79) are available from www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/breezebuses or at libraries, council offices and bus offices, or by calling the council on 01273 292480.
The National Trust’s Summer of Adventure is a great way to combine an open top bus ride with activities for children at Devil’s Dyke. Or take the weekend 79 bus to Ditchling Beacon and enjoy a six mile walk on the South Downs Way to the Dyke.
The Breeze up to the Downs project is supported by Brighton & Hove City Council, The National Trust and the South Downs National Park Authority.
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