The Grass Roots Suicide Prevention Project want you to take the Tell Me Pledge?
The pledge reads:
“I pledge that I will:
…tell someone if I’m struggling and need help;
…reach out and tell you if I’m worried about you;
…listen to you, without judgement if you need someone to talk to;
…ask you, directly, if I think you’re trying to tell me about suicide;
…help you get support if you’re struggling and/or thinking about suicide.”
Follow this link to take the pledge – and share it with everyone you know: TELL ME PLEDGE
When you take the pledge you will be signposted to resources for people in need of help, and also to their Facebook page where you can buy a pledge pack (badge/wallet card/suicide prevention resources).
Take the pledge today and share it far and wide!
They need your help to reach their target of 3,000 local residents taking this pledge by September 2015, as part of their Suicide Safer Brighton & Hove initiative.
They hope to have many LGBTQ people take the pledge, as this community has a higher incidence of attempted and completed suicide.
Together we can strengthen our communities to prevent suicide if you fill in the pledge.
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