Our issue for January 2020 of Gscene will be a commemorative issue dedicated to the life and time of James Henry Ledward, our friend, Gscene editor, and LGBTQ+ community champion.
Invitation to submit your tributes and memories for inclusion by 5pm this evening.
James, the man, may have left us, but there is a little bit of him in us all. We invite you to share your memories, photos, experiences, secrets and stories of his influence on your life, group, business or ideas. We would invite you to bear witness to James, as you knew or experienced him, and if you’d like to share a story, a memory or just pay respects, then please join us in doing so.
Please share with us, by 25th November a short tribute to James, of about 100 words which we can pass along to the Gscene team for consideration for inclusion, please be aware that due to space limitations your tribute may be edited. We’d ask for your understanding. We aim to include as wide a range of people’s memories of James as we can, so please share this invitation to people who knew James, in all the many varied walks of his life, across the city and across the world.
Please email all tributes, or your own memories of James as you’d like to remember him to: james@gscene.com
Remember please get them to us by with us, by 25th November at the latest, thanks.
If you would like to make a donation to the Brighton Rainbow Fund in James’ memory, please visit: www.gscene.com/james
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