Football v Homophobia (FvH) campaign, supported by FARE, Europe’s anti-discrimination campaign for football, has launched its small grants programme for 2013. The programme offers ten grants of 300 euros and is open to fan groups, grass roots football clubs and community organisations to support them in acknowledging FvH during February 2013.
Megan Worthing-Davies, campaign co-ordinator, explains:
“Our goal for 2013 is not only to get more professional clubs involved in the campaign, but also to get fans, grass roots players and community activists involved in spreading the message that football will not tolerate discrimination and abuse of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.”
Football v Homophobia is acknowledged throughout February every year and has seen support from both the English FA and UEFA. 2012 saw an increase in the number of professional football clubs in the UK taking part in the campaign including several English Premiership football clubs.
Lou Englefield, campaign co-ordinator, said:“
“This year we would like to see other European football clubs give their support to FvH. Likewise, there are some fantastic anti-homophobia fans’ initiatives in countries such as Germany, Spain and Croatia. It would be amazing to see them all take action during February. Our grants are €300, but should help small groups get involved.”
Applications for the small grants programme remain open until January 11.
For an applications form, view:
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