
Terrence Higgins Trust Brighton & Hove to pilot new service – PrEP2U

Graham Robson April 12, 2022

HIV/sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust Brighton & Hove is to pilot a new service, PrEP2U, which takes place Thursdays from 4-7pm at 61 Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AE. Walk-ins till 6pm or call 01273 764200 to book an appointment.

PrEP2U is for those who want to start using PrEP – a drug taken by HIV-negative people before and after sex that reduces the risk of getting HIV. At PrEP2U, you’ll get a receive a full HIV and STI screen, PrEP, condoms & lube, advice & information, and referrals for support.

For more info on PrEP, CLICK HERE