Residents are being asked to nominate buildings or places in Brighton & Hove they believe should be recognised for their special local interest or historical and architectural value.
The city council is reviewing its so-called ‘local list’. This includes structures, parks, gardens or areas which may be valued by communities but which have little or no formal protection.
The city council’s economic development committee decided last September the list should be reviewed and new nominations invited.
Chair of the council’s economic development and culture committee Cllr Geoffrey Bowden said:
“Although inclusion on the list does not afford the protection of full listing, it means the importance of a locally-listed building or garden will be considered as part of any future planning proposals. So it is useful in helping to conserve the city’s historic environment.
“Local listing was an important factor in saving the façade of the London Road Co-op as part of the recent permission for a new hall of residence.”
There are currently over 100 buildings on the local list in Hove and almost 60 in Brighton. Hove’s treasures range from 1930s Courtney Gate – an impressive block of mansion flats on Hove seafront – to nine traditional cast-iron lamp-posts in Holland Road. Brighton’s locally-listed gems include seven properties in St James’s Street.
Peter Jones has lived in Kemp Town for 30 years and believes that Dukes Mound should be recognised as a place of cultural interest for the LGBT community.
Peter said:
“For many years Dukes Mound was the only place gay men could meet each other. It is important it is recognised by the city as a place were gay men could meet each other when it was illegal to be gay and where many lifetime friendships were started and remain to this day.”
For further information and to nominate an asset, click here: (this will be updated on Friday, February 1)
Nominations are open from Monday, February 4 until April 28 2013.
Once nominations are in, council conservation officers will create a draft list which will go out for a second public consultation.
A final decision on which buildings to include will be made by the cross-party economic development and culture committee.
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