Community News

MindOut launches new LGBT mental health support services

Besi Besemar September 10, 2013

MindOut Mental Health

MindOut, the LGBT mental health charity launches a new online support service on Friday, September 20, offering confidential, anonymous support to LGB&T people who have lived experience of mental health issues.

You can chat directly to a volunteer about any mental health concerns, any mental health topic or issue, seek support, advice and information .

MindOut are also launching a new Peer Mentoring service.  Volunteers are available to offer up to 10 mentoring meetings aimed at helping people engage with community activities.  These could be social activities, employment or training opportunities, learning new skills, getting out and about, developing new social networks etc.

Twenty Five LGBT volunteers have completed a training course and are looking forward to starting the services this week.

Helen Jones
Helen Jones

Helen Jones, MindOut Director, said:

“We were delighted with the volunteer recruitment and the fantastic team which has developed, ready to offer much needed out of hours support and peer mentoring, this marks a great addition to what MindOut is able to offer.”

These services are offered in partnership with Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard’s help line service, to increase the amount of out of hours support available to LGBT people in the city.

Funded by the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group and Brighton & Hove City Council, these new services are a significant addition to the dedicated, LGBT specific mental health support on offer.

To access the on line chat service and to find out the latest opening times, CLICK HERE: 

For more information about  Peer Mentoring, EMAIL: