The Martlets Shop in Peacehaven has been celebrating 10 years of raising money for the Martlets during October.
To celebrate, the store’s managers Janice and Josie, invited all volunteers, customers and supporters to join them on Friday 23 and Saturday, October 24 for tea, coffee, cakes, tombola and a raffle between 10am and 4pm on both days.
One of the Hove based charity’s larger shops, the Peacehaven store has been raising funds to support the hospice by selling a wide range of items. As well as stocking donated furniture, household goods, curtains, bric-a-brac, TVs, DVD players, books, clothes and children’s toys, it is also a specialist mobility centre.
Here you will find electric beds, mobility scooters, new high-seat chairs in a variety of colours, electric recliner chairs, walking sticks and wheelchairs.
The Martlets has nine other shops around Brighton & Hove, Lewes, Rottingdean and Woodingdean, which are a valuable income source for the hospice.
All the profits raised through Martlets Shops helps the Martlets Hospice provide end of life care to adults who are affected by terminal and life limiting illness, as well as caring for their families and loved ones.
The Hospice receives less than a third of their funding from the government and must raise £11,000 a day to help people who are dying to do so with dignity and in as calm and peaceful a way as possible.
You can find the shop at 170 South Coast Road, Peacehaven. Telephone: 01273 588 808
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