The Martlets Hospice today released its Financial Results for the year ended March 31st 2013.
In the year, the Hospice made a net profit of £212,587, helping start the process of rebuilding its reserves which had been reduced following losses in the previous two years.
In announcing the results, Acting Chair of the Hospice, John Powell said:
”This is a very encouraging result following two difficult years and the Trustees would like to thank everybody in the local community for their continuing financial support of the Martlets. Only around a third of our funding comes via the NHS, so we are still faced with the ongoing challenge of raising over £8,000 per day to fund the Hospice’s services. We also need to ensure that we have a prudent level of reserves to ensure our core activities remain sustainable.”
“Hospice Trustees and Management have had to make some difficult decisions over the past two years in order to contain costs. These savings together with increased income from a number of our fundraising and trading activities plus focusing on specific clinical priorities means we have been able to provide high levels of care for patients both at the Hospice itself and in the home, whilst also continuing with our support for families and carers.”
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