Controversial poet and activist Vince Laws has issued a final call for people to have their faces painted with the name of one of the 76 countries world wide where it is illegal to be gay and march on the Pride Parade.
Take this unique opportunity to tell our politicians and the public at large we are not prepared to sit back and do nothing.
BANNED will start before the Pride Parade begins. Meet at 9.30am on Maderia Drive, lamp post 11, wear what you like but remember red is the colour of protest, and Russia! Vince will be creating a live happening at 10.30am sharp, standing in front of the Brighton Gay Mens Chorus while they sing Your Disco Needs You as a mass photo opportunity.
Vince said:
“We’ll remember Eric Lembembe, tortured and murdered in Cameroon 2 weeks ago. Eric was a Gay Rights activist and an HIV activist in a country where homosexuality is illegal. I’m proud to say Shafted?! the UK HIV activists will be happening with us“
“Then we will then march in the Brighton Pride Parade, we are float 31, (one behind the Gay Mens Chorus, and just in front of the YMCA, with a group of fabulous dancers! We’ll be carrying ‘Brighton Supports LGBT Russia’ posters designed by Karol Michalec and Kate Wildblood, alongside Vince’s ‘PUTIN HUMAN RIGHTS FIRST’ masterpiece, and a load of other stuff if i get weather to spray paint!
He continued:
“I think it’s very important to protest right now about what’s going on in Russia under President Putin. People are being arrested, beaten, and murdered because they are identified as homosexual, or thought to be homosexual, bisexual, lesbian, trans, different. ‘Homosexual Propaganda’ is now illegal’ – saying anything positive about homosexuals in public is a criminal offence. Pride organisations are being fined for existing. It is a basic human right to exist, to be yourself, and Russia is a very influential country, if they are allowed to violate Human Rights, others will find it easier to follow. ‘Love is a Human Right’ according to Amnesty International. Hats off to Brighton Pride for helping make this happen at such short notice.”
• Meet at Lamp Post 11.
• BANNED is Walking Tableau 31.
• Face painting between 9.30am-10.30am
• The BANNED happening is at 10.30am prompt in partnership with Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus
• Circulate this final call to your friends. Only first 100 people will be part of the BANNED happening
Lets use Brighton Pride to make a difference to the lives of others who do not have the freedom to be who they are. Take a stand!
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