
Kemptown MP urges residents to make views known on proposed housing development

Sarah Green March 3, 2014

Simon Kirby, MP for Kemptown and Peacehaven is urging constituents to attend the public meetings at Longhill School in order to make their views known on a proposed housing development at Meadow Vale, Ovingdean.

Simon Kirby MP
Simon Kirby MP

The public consultation will take place on Tuesday, March 11 between 5-8pm and on Wednesday, March 12 between 4-8pm at Longhill High School.

The proposals, which include approximately 100 properties on 46 acres, covers three parcels of land and abuts the National Park.

Simon said: “Immediately I have a number of serious concerns about these plans and I will therefore be studying the information very carefully.

 “I hope residents will use this opportunity to make their views known and, when the time comes, to make further representations to Brighton and Hove City Council. Ovingdean and Woodingdean are long-standing villages with their own unique characters and history.

“Residents will be naturally concerned if these proposals may change that and, alongside local councillors, I will be sure to work closely with residents on this matter.”