Simon Kirby, MP for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven, has described as “completely hopeless” the reply by Councillor Phil Howson, the UKIP Chairman of East Sussex Fire Authority, to his letter of concern regarding cuts to fire services in Brighton, East Saltdean, Telscombe Cliffs and Peacehaven.

Mr Kirby has written to the Councillor expressing concern that reducing fire cover in these areas could put people at risk and that following a recent Council Tax rise for the Fire Authority, a better way to reduce costs without cutting front-line services, needed to be found.
Simon said: “It is frankly laughable for the Chairman to suggest that a lack of time is responsible for the decisions he is putting forward. Everyone has known for years that savings in public spending are needed in order to reduce the public sector deficit left behind by the last Labour Government.
“Councillor Howson attacks the Government for reductions in grants and yet the Fire Authority has in the past still been able to freeze Council Tax and protect services. Councillor Howson, under his Chairmanship, failed to do this.
“Instead of a knee-jerk reaction attacking the Government, the Chairman needs to task officers with creative thinking in order to reduce costs and maintain services. Councillor Howson has been Chairman of the Fire Authority since May 2013. His constituents and mine in Peacehaven, Telscombe Cliffs and East Saltdean will be wondering what his time in office has so far achieved for them.”
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