
Isle of Wight Pride seeks new trustees!

Graham Robson September 19, 2020

Isle of Wight Pride is seeking new members of the community to join their board of trustees to help shape the future of the charity and ensure that they continue to meet their objectives.
The Island-based charity campaigns for equality and the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity and raise public awareness about the issues and difficulties affecting the lives of LGBTQ+ people.
A spokesperson for Isle of Wight Pride said ‘Volunteering with Isle of Wight Pride as a trustee is an incredibly rewarding experience that will enable you to make a difference to the lives of LGBTQ+ people on the Island.
‘We help LGBTQ+ people and allies celebrate and campaign in a very different way. We do this through our distinct programme of events which help people come together, be visible, be heard and express themselves.’
Anyone who would like to find out what being a trustee entails should email:
Isle of Wight Pride is set to return on Saturday, July 17, 2021. For more info on Isle of Wight Pride, CLICK HERE