Mike Weatherley, the Conservative MP for Hove and Portslade, and Patron of Autism Sussex, has signed a Parliamentary Motion which calls on the Government to review legislation surrounding disability hate crime in order to address the disturbing levels of abuse against people with Autism.
Mike has signed Early Day Motion (EDM) 172 (Hate Crime Against Those With Autism), which draws attention to the findings of a National Autistic Society survey that highlights how much of a problem hate crimes are for people with Autism. The EDM has received cross-party support in Parliament.
Mike said:
“It is encouraging that this campaign has received significant backing, both in Parliament and in the media. This must, therefore, be followed up with practical reforms in the way that these hate crimes are recorded and how they are treated under the law. There is no doubt about it that people who engage in these campaigns of hate – putting their victims through an absolute nightmare – are pernicious bullies that must be stopped.
EDM 172 – Hate Crime Against Those With Autism, reads:
That this House congratulates Kevin Healey, an Ambassador for the National Autistic Society, who has been helping to raise awareness of hate crime, including cyber-bullying, trolling, stalking and physical bullying, against those suffering with autism through a highly successful Twitter campaign and a Global Anti-Bullying Autism Campaign; notes that the campaign has received the backing of celebrities such as Ricky Gervais, Katie Price and Melanie Sykes; further notes concern at the findings of a National Autistic Society survey that revealed 81 per cent of respondents having experience of verbal abuse, while 47 per cent reported that they have been victims of a physical assault, and that 24 per cent had been victims of cyber-bullying; and finally, calls on the Government to review urgently legislation and police recording of disability hate crime in order that victims can be confident that their suffering will be taken seriously and ended.
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