Peter Kyle, MP for Hove and Portslade signs up to support this year’s Earth Hour by making a special pledge to help protect the planet.

Dr Kyle was one of many joining World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) in London this week to show they care about the future of the planet, ahead of the global lights out event, due to take place on Saturday, March 19 at 8:30pm.
MPs are celebrating Earth Hour to send a message that they care about the natural world and help inspire their constituents to go beyond the hour to build a sustainable future for both people and the planet.
Peter Kyle said: “Our natural world is precious to all life that inhabits it, but we need to do more to protect it. WWF’s Earth Hour reminds us that there are simple things we can all do for the planet, not for just one hour, but every day. It’s a great opportunity to bring together millions of people from across the world with one united goal – to help protect our planet. That’s why this Earth Hour I’m making a special pledge for a low carbon future which is key to the future of our planet.”
Every year Earth Hour inspires millions of people around the world to come together and switch off their lights for one hour in a symbolic act to show they care about the planet. WWF already works to tackle a lot of environmental challenges – like deforestation, threats to endangered species, and the impacts of climate change – but Earth Hour is a chance for everyone to say they’ll do their bit to help create a sustainable future. It reminds us that together we have the power to make change happen.
Last year a record-breaking 172 countries and some of the world’s most famous buildings including Big Ben, Hong Kong’s skyline and the Sydney Harbour Bridge joined the global celebration. In the UK alone, over 10 million people took part, along with over 4,800 schools, 200 landmarks and thousands of businesses and organisations.

Jennifer Clements, spokesperson for WWF’s Earth Hour, said: “We’re thrilled that MPs have given their support to this year’s Earth Hour and we hope they will inspire many others to get involved. By taking one simple step to switch off your lights at 8.30pm on 19 March, Earth Hour is a chance for all of us to come together and send out a global message about protecting our planet.”
Everyone can join the celebration for WWF’s Earth Hour on Saturday 19 March 2016.
For more information and to sign up, click here:
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