Business News

Coronavirus update from Brighton & Hove Healthwatch

Gscene Editorial Team February 29, 2020

Coronavirus update 27.02.20

All latest real time updates can be found here along with clear practical advice.


Brighton & Hove Council

Two further patients in England have tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the total number of UK cases to 15. No new cases have been identified in Brighton. The patients in question have been transferred to specialist infection centres in Liverpool and London. The risk to individuals remains low.

Students from two schools in Brighton have recently returned from Italy, which has seen an increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19. In both cases, the students were estmimated to be 140 miles from Italian towns that have been placed in ‘lockdown’.  The risk to students and staff on the ski trip is low.  Of course, pupils, parents and staff are being asked to be vigilant.

Tests for coronavirus are being increased in the UK to include people displaying flu-like symptoms at 100 GP surgeries and eight hospitals across the UK, which includes our local Trust – Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals. This is to monitor the emerging situation, and not because of any perceived heightened risk. Advice from BSUH is as follows:

We’d like to assure our patients and the public that our staff are both practised and skilled in treating patients with infectious diseases and we are confident in our procedures for dealing with this virus. The Trust has robust infection control measures in place and is following the most up to date national guidance and procedures at all times.

Patient care is our top priority and our hospitals are operating as normal. Please attend your outpatient appointments and planned treatments as scheduled.”