Community News

Brighton to bid farewell to cabaret legend and community champion Jason Sutton (Miss Jason)

Graham Robson May 23, 2024

Brighton will today bid farewell to cabaret legend and community champion Jason Sutton (Miss Jason), who sadly died last month.

Jason will be leaving from Legends Brighton on Marine Parade at 1pm, travelling down the seafront then onward to St Mary’s Church, Kemptown via St James Street. The church service is open to ANYONE who wants to come along.

There are 500 seats in the church; seating will be on a first come basis but there will be some reserved seating for invited friends and family. There will be standing room too but attendees are encouraged to not block the doors to the church.

Dress Attire: Traditional dark mourning.

The wake will be held at Legends from 3pm and is over two floors.

For those not able to attend, a live stream will commence at 12.50pm again from Legends.



Legends Brighton say: “Today we say goodbye to Jason Sutton, (Miss Jason) A beacon of brilliance in the Brighton LGBTQ+ community, Jason was a master of drag who brought joy and laughter to countless audiences each week, as well as a steadfast advocate and supporter of local charities. His unmatched wit and comedic timing made him a legend of the scene, loved by everyone who witnessed his artistry both in and out of drag.

“Our thoughts today are with Jason’s partner Terry, his family and his closest friends and as we mourn his passing, let us also celebrate the legacy of love, laughter, and acceptance that he leaves behind.

“Jason – your light will shine on forever in the hearts of those who were touched by your grace, talent, and boundless love, you truly were one of a kind and we will miss you immensely.”