A Better Tomorrow alcohol counselling service provides confidential and effective telephone counselling in Brighton for people worried about the effect their drinking is having on their day to day life, health, finances, job and relationships with family and friends.
Qualified and registered alcohol counsellors provide understanding and non-judgemental help allowing people to achieve their goal around alcohol, whether that is abstinence or controlled social drinking.
Receiving counselling help over the telephone allows people to gain support in the comfort and safety of their own home or any place where they feel comfortable. The anonymity and confidentiality of receiving counselling via telephone means they will never have concerns about their problem being discovered by someone they know seeing them enter a counselling office or an alcohol treatment centre.
If people suffer from agrophobia, have mobility problem, a disability, or have problems with transport, telephone counselling offers the chance to access help without leaving the comfort and security of home.
A Better Tomorrow realises that many people are apprehensive or even intimidated by the thought of attending face to face counselling sessions. Telephone counselling offers these people the chance to receive the help they need without having to attend counselling sessions in person.
Most people lead hectic lives, juggling family and work constantly, making finding the time to travel and attend regular counselling sessions difficult. Telephone counselling can fit into busy schedules and with no travelling costs, or losing time at work for appointments, is cheaper than face to face counselling.
A Better Tomorrow also offers face-to-face counselling in Brighton by arrangement. These counselling sessions can be carried out at home or any location that is convenient to meet a qualified counsellor to discuss concerns over alcohol use.
To learn more on the counselling services offered by A Better Tomorrow telephone 07772896281 for a free initial consultation.
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