
Scene from the Sofa – Five minutes with….Creag Aaro

Graham Robson May 18, 2020

Busy bee Creag Aaro had his hands pretty full before lockdown – Assistant Manager of All Bar One, Professional Photographer, Professional Make-up Artist and host of his own Drag show, Switch, as his alter ego Kryan Shayne at Le Village, Brighton. Graham Robson caught up with the foxy Finn to find out what he’s been up to during lockdown, new skills he’s learned and his plans for the future.

Hey Creag, how have you been?

When lockdown happened, I was kind of lost if I’m honest. My mental health took a bit of a battering and it took my a while to realise that I could be using this time to learn new skills!

What have you been up to online?

I’ve been learning to DJ from scratch as this has been something I have wanted to do for a long time. The first mix I released (under the name DJ Caaro) was called 2.0 MiX and is currently in the EDM Charts at number 21, which i’m over the moon about. I have done a couple of Facebook Live videos performing in Drag, doing Makeup Tutorials, some fun little videos on TikTok, recording new cover songs in my music studio and Graphic Design for different companies.

Have you managed to watch any good stuff?

I have been supporting and loving DJ Claire Fuller’s live sets and some fabulous shows put on by our wonderful scene – Drag With No Name, Miss Jason, Davina Sparkle, Lucinda Lashes and many more! I’ve finally been able to catch up on some TV shows I never had time to watch before such as Killing Eve and The Magicians plus all the Marvel Films in order on Disney+.

Do you have any thoughts on how lockdown is affecting the scene?

I feel like the scene has taken a huge hit, as has everywhere. However, the community is really supportive, banding together to look after each other and a lot of charity work is being done! Hats off to everyone who is keeping the scene alive, keeping the people sane and working hard to not let this beat down our spirits.

Plans for when this is over?

I want to have all the skills and knowledge to be able to DJ in different venues, support the community and local businesses, do photoshoots via my company CaaroPix, and perform in new venues as Kryan Shayne.

After lockdown I’d like to spend more time with my friends and family. I miss them all!

Any tips to stay busy during lockdown?

Tips for staying busy would be: learn a new skill, do some charity work, learn to sew and make masks for the NHS (it’s great fun!), treasure the small things in life as it’s far too short, do not be scared to ask for help, talk about mental health or suffer in silence, and stay at Home!

Words of wisdom to keep us going?

My fave four favourite quotes:
– ‘If you’re going through Hell… keep going!’
– ‘Some days you have to create your own sunshine’
– ‘Take the risk or lose the chance’
– ‘Life is a fragile gift, not one you can keep forever, but it is the most precious gift in all the world. Use it well.’