The latest issue of the Pink Humanist – the online magazine published by the UK gay humanist charity is now available online.
The magazine’s contents include “From Russia with Hate” which examines what, if anything, can be accomplished by boycotting Russian goods and the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics as a means of protesting at the wave of homophobia that is sweeping the country.
There is a report on the fear that has overtaken gay rights campaigners in Cameroon following the brutal murder of activist Eric Lembembe.
There is an article reacting to the planned pardon of the British mathematician who was convicted of homosexual acts in 1952, subjected to chemical castration, and who committed suicide in 1954. The article refers to criticism of the forthcoming Turing bio-pic, The Imitation Game, for trying to push the gay atheist hero “back into the closet”.
There is also a detailed report of President Obama’s recent visit to three African countries, and the fury following his defence of gay rights in Muslim Senegal.
The editor looks at a row that erupted in American Catholic circles over the use of a Catholic church for a scene in the Liberace bio-pic, Beyond the Candelabra, and reviews this.
Other items include news that a lawsuit alleging “crimes against humanity” by US hate preacher Scott Lively is to proceed, and that New Jersey has banned quack “gay cure” therapies.
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