QueenSpark Books is a small Brighton based community publisher, which over the years has given a voice to Brighton’s lost past, including stories drawn from the winding back streets of Whitehawk and the forgotten cinemas and theatre joints, that once dominated the town centre.
QueenSpark Books’ latest project is to highlight some of the lesser known histories of Brighton and Hove and the characters that helped put the city on the map.
However, rather than approach the project in the traditional way, QueenSpark Books decided to create a graphic novel. At the beginning of 2012, the publisher put a call out for writers to submit fictional stories based on Brighton and Hove’s history, past and present. Thirteen writers were then each paired with an artist, whose job it was to interpret their story graphically.
Brighton: The Graphic Novel spans 300 years in the history of the city. Stories include the tale of a magical moment combining first love, Twelfth Night and the Palace Pier; the demon barber, Mr. Cooper; renowned for his ill temper and his hatred of hippies…. And then there’s Brighton’s Angels starring Dave Lynn, Lola lasagne and Maisie Trollette (as the forenamed Brighton Angels), alongside a host of other famous and in some cases infamous faces. The Angels’ sweeping story includes Mark Bruce and the creation of the Aids Memorial; The Golden Handbag Awards meeting the Moulin Rouge, and the Hankie Quilt Project, swinging into action via a helicopter! The story concludes in Preston Park on Brighton’s LGBT Pride Day.
QueenSpark is fundraising to produce this wonderful book and are inviting people to pledge money in return for some great offers. People who pledge £20 will receive the book (which will retail at £15.99) plus an invite to the book launch. And that’s just for starters! QueenSpark Books only have 28 days to raise £600, can you help?
For more information about the project and how you can get involved, view:
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