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Simple breath test may help doctors treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A quick and easy, non-invasive breath test could help hundreds of thousands of patients who have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

IBS affects more than four million people in the UK, but it is estimated that one in five of those diagnosed with IBS may have the more simple to treat condition known as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). The condition produces symptoms similar to IBS and is caused by having too much bacteria in the gut.

A range of breath monitors called Gastrolyzer, developed by Bedfont Scientific, can be used to aid the detection of SIBO by measuring the amount of methane and hydrogen in a patient’s breath caused by excessive bacteria in the gut. Once a diagnosis has been made the condition can be treated quickly and effectively with a course of antibiotics.

Dr Anthony Hobson, Functional Gut Clinic, London, said, “I see many patients with suspected IBS daily and one of the problems I face is determining the diagnosis. (The Gastrolyzer) allows us to objectively quantify how the gut microbiota are contributing to IBS-like symptoms and helps us to target future treatments.”

April is IBS Awareness month, a worldwide initiative to help raise awareness of the condition.

Jason Smith, General Manager at Bedfont Scientific, added, “IBS awareness month is the perfect time to raise the profile of the misdiagnosis that many IBS sufferers may have encountered. If they can be tested with the Gastrolyzer for other intolerances and conditions first, that are easily treatable, it could have a positive outcome on many people’s lives.”

For more information on IBS, click here:

To watch how the test works, click here:


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