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New Vice Chair at Peer Action

Peer Action have elected Ms Adriana Silva as Vice Chair of its board of trustees.

Adriana Silva

Adriana joined Peer Action around a year ago, has been instrumental in organising their new women’s group and is a respected member of its steering committee.

Adriana, originally from Brazil had a career in teaching and worked for many years with community groups there. After moving to the UK, she took up her current career as a HR Practitioner.

Adriana, says: “Peer Action is a unique group in what it provides to the community, and it’s an exciting opportunity to be part of it and help build on this story of success. The trust put in me is inspiring, and I’m looking forward to being up to the challenge. It feels great to be in a position to contribute to the group’s growth and see more men and women benefiting from peer support in such a safe and welcoming environment.”

Mike Nelson, Chair of Peer Action, added: “Adriana is a valuable asset to the charity and our trustees.  The members look forward to working with her in her new role as we take the group  forward since it became a registered charity.”





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