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First non-binary mayor elected in Wales

Photo: @OwenJHurcum Twitter

22-year-old Owen J Hurcum is thought to be the first non-binary mayor in history after they were elected to represent Gwynedd city in Bangor, Wales. Hurcum moved to the area 5 years ago to study at Bangor University, telling North Wales Live: “I came here as a student five years ago, just because it was a place to study and it looked quite nice. Within a week, I fell in love with it and tried to throw myself into the city’s culture.”

They are now the youngest-ever mayor in Wales and the first out non-binary mayor in the UK. After being elected, Hurcum tweeted: “When I came out two years ago I was so worried I’d be ostracized by my community or worse. Today my community elected me mayor of our great city. The youngest-ever mayor in Wales. The first-ever openly non-binary mayor of any city anywhere. Beyond humbled.”

When discussing their plans for the future, Hurcum said: “My first steps as Bangor’s mayor will be reaching across the different divisions of the community, continuing the good work of the departing mayor, and trying to get more grants in to develop the city…I really want to work on bringing more funds to improve the high street, push for more green spaces and promote the interconnected communities between the university and the city itself.”

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