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Scene from the Sofa – Five minutes with… Osaro

Over the last 14 years, singer-songwriter Osaro has performed at an array of LGBTQ+ events lighting up the seaside and further afield with his wonderful generosity of spirit and lust for life. Graham Robson caught up with this colourful character to find out how he’s been spending his time in lockdown and his new song Think of You, which is written to help us all appreciate the moment and what we have. Check out the music vid by clicking here; stream the track by clicking here!

Hey Osaro, tell us a bit about yourself and your music… 

Music for me has always been a passion, as a child I said to myself, “One day I will write my own songs, perform them and release them”.  I have always felt that part of my essence was/is to represent diversity, fight for equality and hopefully inspire others. This vision has been achieved partly through my music.

A catalyst that helped me focus on realising my dreams was my near death experience due to contracting meningitis in my late twenties. It took me over a year to recover …I realised then that my life was not a dress rehearsal.

In 2006 I moved to Brighton and attended Pride; a thought popped into my head “One day I am going to perform on that main stage” , I laugh to myself now because at that point I did not have a song out or know anyone in Brighton. Fast forward to today, I have performed twice on ‘That stage’ with my music videos being projected on large screens, performed in numerous clubs nationally/ internationally, and my music has been played on radio stations worldwide.

What have you been up to while in lockdown? 

It took me a while to process the reality of what is actually happening. I couldn’t quite believe it and still can’t to a certain extent. My mood has been up and down (not helped by the fact that close family members have lost loved ones as have several of my friends, I also know people that have sadly passed away).

Prior to the lockdown I had a release Think of You scheduled for early April (this was several months in the planning), I struggled and often felt guilty or selfish if I were to go ahead with the release as we all are going through horrific times. I decided to go ahead with the online release but the club event launch night with Kinky Dangerous has been postponed to… who knows when? I felt that if I can lift at least one person during these testing times then that is my job done. I have received messages from all over the world thanking me for the song and that listening to it has helped them cope with their isolation… I feel overjoyed and humbled.

I have had time to embrace technology, with Think of You I have spent time linking up with DJs online who have streamed live sets including my music. I have responded to several music magazine online interviews as well as being interviewed live on Instagram chatting with participants directly. I have also had time to respond to individual messages from all over about my new single, which has now charted on three Spotify playlists.

I wrote the song in memory of a loved one that passed away when at the prime of his life… I also wanted to appreciate the love I have for/in life today. I wanted to convey through my lyrics that it is important from time to time to stop and appreciate the moment / what we have.

Any tips to keep our readers busy when self-isolating?

At first I thought, great! I will have time to get on with all of those tasks that I always put off. I had a huge pile of loose socks that needed matching… It took me over 45mins to pair most of them up (was so bored), I admit that I did get a sense of achievement and satisfaction but I am finding it hard to motivate myself to do the other ‘THINGS TO DO” chores on my list .

I have just created a weekly timetable with fixed times for exercise, supper, reading, TV – you get the picture. I needed a sense of routine before I completely lost the plot.

I have enjoyed my daily cycle, catching up on Netflix (Pose, Tiger King, RU Paul, Monty DonFrench/Italian Gardens) and reading books that I received for Christmas (Becoming Michele Obama).

Socially I have been FaceTiming, zooming, house partying. Recently I attended an online clubbing event via Zoom, I spent time deciding what to wear and it took me a while to decide which aftershave to wear! I suddenly burst out laughing as it was only going to be me dancing in my kitchen by myself. It was fun to wave at others dancing and listening to the same music. I went to bed exhausted and it felt that I had a good night out… or in .

I guess during lockdown, use the time to learn a new skill or contact that person you always mean to but never get around to and have a good catch up.

What are your plans for when this is over?

I am really looking forward to seeing my friends and family whether it be for a walk, restaurant, cafe, pub, garden. I just want to give them a big hug and tell them that I love and appreciate them for who they are.
I think that i will be like a wild animal dancing when out in the clubs plus I am looking forward to performing.

Anything you miss?

Meeting up socially, my Sunday roast, travelling on trains and planes, going to cinema and theatre, getting back home at 5am after a good night out… Shall I go on?

We’re going to really miss Brighton & Hove Pride… 

The cancellation of Brighton & Hove Pride was inevitable and it was the right thing to do. My heart went out to the organisers as a huge amount of work and hours goes into orchestrating such a large event and to those that were planning to attend.

I also thought about the Brighton Rainbow Fund which Pride raises a lot of money for resulting in LGBTQ+ services to be sustained… I hope that they are able to survive. We as a community may need to create some fundraising events.

Any words of wisdom to get us through? 

Try to be kind to yourself (easier said than done), keep in touch or check on friends, if you are feeling low reach out to somebody… Organisations are out there as well… You could like me learn to poach an egg!

Love and best wishes sent your way, Osaro x.x.x

Check out Osaro’s new single Think of You by clicking here!

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