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Transgender Day of Remembrance in Croydon

Trans murder victims will be remembered at an event for trans people and their allies in Croydon on Saturday, November 22.

THE REMEMBRANCE ceremony will take place at 2pm on the first floor of the Central Library in Croydon, when a candle will be lit for each person murdered, just because they were transgender, during the previous twelve months.

Fr Geoffrey Thompson (Anglican) and Rev Art Lester (Unitarian) will read the names of the victims. Many of the victims are unidentified and die unmarked but the murders are vicious and all too common. Some, probably most, are not reported or recorded.

Everyone is invited to lay flowers at the memorial placed outside for the event.

This will be followed by an informal social and buffet, in Croydon Museum.

As a living memorial, spring bulbs have been planted, this year, at St Stephen’s Thornton Heath.

The event is organised by TransPals the local trans group ( and Aurora, Croydon’s LGBT police forum (

For full details of this and other local events, click here:  

Everyone is welcome to meet informally over lunch before the ceremony in the Clocktower Café, Katherine Street from 1pm.


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