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Pooches on the Prom returns on Hove seafront

Dress up your four-legged friend and join in with the fun with this year’s Pooches on the Prom event for Martlets hospice on Sunday, March 25.

This popular sponsored walk gets bigger every year, with proud doggies showing off their most colourful and extravagant outfits or fun fancy dress as they take their owners for an enthusiastic walk along the prom.

The flurry of waggy tails sets off from the dog-friendly Big Beach Café at Hove Lagoon at 11am, after prizes have been awarded for the best dressed pooches.

Registration is £10 per dog but accompanying humans can take part for free.

Every pooch taking part gets a well-earned medal and a doggy bag as a thank-you for their efforts in raising as much money as they can for Martlets

Clem Hunnisett, from the Fundraising Team at Martlets, said: “This is the ‘must-do’ family friendly event of the year for generous-hearted pooches and their owners; raising essential funds that will help us to care for our patients and their families.

“It’s quite a spectacle with doggies in debonair tuxedos, full evening dress and superhero outfits; we’ve even had pooches in pretty pink tutus!

“The important thing is that everyone is raising as much sponsorship as they can for Martlets, whilst having a fun time with their four-legged friend.”

For many patients having their pets visit them at the hospice makes a huge difference to their wellbeing, and it is just one of the ways Martlets helps people to live well.

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