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Police chief takes on role of LGBT champion for Sussex Police

Chief Superintendent Nev Kemp, Divisional Commander for Brighton and Hove has taken on the role of LGBT Champion for Sussex Police.

Chief Superintendent Nev Kemp: LGBT Champion for Sussex Policeon 

In an email to members of the LGBT External Reference Group, he wrote: It is of course very useful that I happen to be the Sussex Police Commander for Brighton and Hove but this isn’t the main reason that I took the role on. I was born in Brighton and grew up here; I love the place and the people. In my 19 years police service, I have worked on and off in the City and been delighted to see the relationship between the Police and LGBT communities improve over the years. Despite that, I still believe that there is work to do and my Champion role is of course wider than purely Brighton and Hove.

“One of my first steps was to become a Proud Ally earlier in the summer – someone who visibly supports LGBT equality in the workplace. Last year I had the pleasure of marching in the Pride parade for the first time and can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of my career. As well as being responsible for the policing this year, I was able to march once again. This year over Pride weekend, we made an even bolder public statement that Sussex Police supports equality with LGBT communities by flying the LGBT flag at the front of John Street Police Station and adding the LGBT colours to a number of our marked police cars – a first as far as I am aware, here or anywhere in the UK.”

“Despite my long association with the City and interaction with people who are LGBT, both through my work and socially, I still have a lot to learn about LGBT communities and about how we can also support officers and staff who still may feel marginalised or unable to be themselves because of their sexuality. Supporting officers and staff is key to ensuring that we get the best out of our people and have a diverse workforce delivering a better service to a diverse public. I hope that you can help me in this – I am really looking forward to it.”


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