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Gscene’s LGBTQ Hustings event this Wednesday evening. All invited.

This election is a chance for us to decide what sort of society we want to live in.

Join Gscene,  The Rainbow Fund and Brighton & Hove’s LGBT Community Safety forum in Dorset Gardens Methodist church for our LGBTQ hustings: Wed 27th November. This free, key event during the campaign is where you can challenge senior representatives from all political parties to tell us what they’ll do to protect LGBTQ rights and extend LGBTQ equality over the next five years.

A hustings is a meeting where election candidates or parties debate policies and answer questions from the audience. Hustings provide voters with an opportunity to hear the views of candidates or parties.  All candidates or parties standing were invited, our hustings does not promote any particular candidate or party because they all have been offered the opportunity to speak and be questioned. Your voice and vote count.

Who will be there?

Chris Gull, Chair of the Rainbow Fund and host for the evening said

“ The LGBTQ+ communities in Brighton and Hove have much riding on this election, and this is our chance to discover what parties, and individual candidates, see as the most important issues, and how they would represent us in Parliament if they got elected. We represent between 15% and 20% of the local population of potential voters, in excess of 35,000 of us. A cohort to be reckoned with.
Of course we are a diverse community, in terms of sexuality, gender identification, ethnicity, ability, income levels, and life experience, but we know that we are disproportionally impacted by hate crime, mental health issues, homelessness, loneliness and social isolation. What do these politicians have to offer us?”


Billie Lewis, Volunteer Chair of the Brighton and Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum said, ” We are delighted to be working with Gscene and the Rainbow Fund on this community hustings. We are looking forward to a good & positive turn out. It is important that all of our communities, in particular those who experience of life is informed by their intersectionity get the opportunity to ask questions on policy, equality, political views and voting history of those wishing to work in Parliament on our behalf. A five year government term is a long time in today’s ever changing world. This is your opportunity to make an informed decision before voting on the 12th December.’

Teas coffees and snacks are kindly being provided by Lunch Positive for a donation on the evening.
There will be a BSL interpreter at the event, and we will be Livestreaming the husting event to the  GScene FB Page. Dorset Gardens is a fully accessible venue. All welcome.
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