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Autumn issue of Pink Humanist ready to download

The latest issue of The Pink Humanist, an online magazine published by the UK LGBT charity the Pink Triangle Trust (PTT) is ready to download.

It features topics of special interest to those who identify as atheists, freethinkers, humanists, secularists and sceptics in LGTB+ communities and those who support them.

The magazine’s editor is Barry Duke who also edits the Freethinker, the Voice of Atheism in the UK since 1881.

In the latest issue human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell writes of the gains made across the world by LGBT+ activists, but in a separate piece Chris Coates examines moves in the United States by the Trump administration to empower right-wing, homophobic organisations which are determined to turn back the clock on equality issues.

Pink Humanist editor Barry Duke, who left Brighton in 2010 to settle on the Costa Blanca and helped organise Benidorm’s first Pride and several subsequent events, reports on the latest celebrations in September.

Barry reminds his readers, that: “as we blow whistles, wave rainbow flags and dance in the streets, let’s pause to consider the plight of those living in places where being gay remains a criminal offence – 74 countries in total. It’s an appalling fact that 12 of them have the death penalty for homosexuality.“Until they learn that LGBT+ rights are an integral part of human rights, these countries should be ostracised and denied the billions in foreign aid that they receive from the ‘decadent’ West.”

The issue also has feature articles on bisexuality, and the adoption of the lambda sign by gay liberationists in the US in the 1970s.

There is also a review of Humanist Andew Copson’s latest book, Secularism: Politics, Religion and Freedom, and an introduction to St Sukie de la Croix’s humorous fantasy novel, The Blue Spong and the Flight from Mediocrity.

Other items in the latest edition include a report of the export of homophobia to Romania by US hate groups, and a profile of one of Canada’s most hated street preachers, Matthew Carapella.

The current, as well as past issues of the magazine can be downloaded in PDF format from The Pink Humanist website. (

To download the magazine as a PDF document, click here: go to “Archived Issues” then “Back Issues” and place the cursor on any cover. In the top left corner of the cover you will see “click here to download pdf”.

Additionally, individual articles can be accessed directly from the site’s home page. These contain all relevant hyperlinks.

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