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Are you young and interested in volunteering?

AllsortsAre you passionate about LGBT youth issues?

Would you like to get involved in an exciting project to get your voice heard?

Do you want to get involved in youth volunteering?

‘Young People’s Voice’ (YPV) is a campaigning and engagement project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans (LGBT) youth aged 16-25. They represent LGBT youth by promoting awareness of their issues and rights in the wider community. They engage with LGBT youth on a number of platforms so they can get their voices and experiences heard.

YPV will be holding a Welcome and Information evening for new and interested young volunteers on Wednesday, May 22 from 6.30pm in central Brighton.

Go along and meet them.

Find out what they do and get involved by contacting Sam Thomas (LGBT Youth Engagement Worker) via email:  

For more information about youth volunteering at Allsorts, CLICK HERE:

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